Friday, August 19, 2005

David vs. Goliath

I suppose everyone has heard the story. A little guy takes on a real big one and wins. It has served as inspiration for little guys everywhere to stand up for what they believe in. Sometimes the little guy gets the stuffing beaten out of them. But, every so often the little guy might get lucky, or get some help - like David did.

The reason I bring this up is something I saw mentioned on the Old Quarter Acoustic Cafe's web site (see sidebar for link). I mentioned in my previous blog the name Starbock. It is the name of Wrecks Bell's own brew, which is said to be a combination of Shiner Bock and Lone Star beers, thus the name Starbock. I don't know Wrecks' motivation in naming his beer, but it drew the attention of Starbucks Coffee which led to a pretty big lawsuit - at least by small business standards. There's been no decision in the case at this point, but it seems that court opinion is in Wrecks' favor.

It sure would be nice to see little David send Goliath back to the northwest with a black eye. Hang in there, Wrecks.

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