Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Pitchin' in...

I talked to my Mother last Thursday. She was on her way from the Community Center in Malakoff, Texas - the town where I grew up. She had just finished her "shift" at the local make-shift shelter for Katrina evacuees. My mom is 76 years old and shows no sign of slowing down - at least she doesn't let on to any family anyway. She's a retired RN and apparently they needed medical staff at the town's shelter. She told me that she has been asked repeatedly to volunteer each day. She doesn't feel like she can come in that often, but she's trying to be available as much as possible.

It turns out that small communities all over Texas are doing the same. This was in the Dallas Morning News today about various efforts around the state. I'm a firm believer that it's important to help out one's neighbors - if for NO other reason - that one day that person might need some help of his own. Marvin Olasky has a great article about people who have been offering just what they have to help Katrina victims. It's not about how much is given but just that something is given. It's nice to see that courtesy and compassion are still alive and well.

Let folks say what they want about Texas and Texans. We've got big hearts and we like to wear them on our sleeves. God bless Texas and Texans!

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