Andrea Yates has been released from prison and has been returned to the Rusk State Mental Hospital to await retrial for the drowning deaths of her 5 children. I'm sure everyone in our country has heard about this case and has an opinion about it - either way. However, I wonder if anyone has thought about what is going on in regard to how this case has affected the members of her family. Of course there was the immediate impact on her children. They can't be replaced and her conviction will never bring them back. But, before we begin a discussion about how deserving of punishment she might be or what should be done to her, think about this...
When a crime is committed, the impact goes much farther than just those who were victims of the crime. Families of the perpetrator also bear the load of guilt and often have to pay their bills. Yates was released from jail this week and her family had to pay $20,000 in order for her to be released. The Kennedy family, Yates' parents, is not a well-to-do family and likely can't afford the price for their daughter's bond. Once she's released and remanded to the state hospital, the treatment she will receive in Rusk will have to be paid by family members, as well. If she happens to be re-convicted for the crimes for which she was charged, her family will likely incur more legal fees. If she is acquitted, by reason of insanity, she will likely be committed to the same state hospital for the rest of her natural life with her family left footing the bill.
Crime hurts everybody, doesn't it?
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