Sunday, October 16, 2005

Bigfoot Lives?

Does Bigfoot really exist? I'm sure everyone has got their own story. Mine is one my oldest nephew told me when we were boys (we're 18 months apart). He said his grandpa saw Bigfoot walking along the treeline in the back part of their property. He didn't have a camera with him. Otherwise, there might be conclusive proof that Bigfoot is for real.

Recently, the Bigfoot believers convened for their annual conference in Jefferson, Texas comparing notes and "artifacts" to sway those who are slow to believe to come around with them. They share molds of footprints - which is the most predominant item available - as well as stories of where the footprints came from.

As for those footprints, there are almost as many justifications and explanations debunking them as there are those defending them. In 1958, a construction worker in California, first coined the term Bigfoot and gained front page news status for the story. It was later discovered that he had constructed wooden feet and went to great lengths planting the footprints to get his 15 seconds of fame. Perhaps if it weren't for such stories and if these "experts" could present real artifacts, like fur or something more substantial, there might be more believers.

So, for now, keep an eye out when you're in the woods. If the world is waiting to finally discover Bigfoot, he might be watching from just inside the trees. Make sure you take a camera with you, just in case he's there.

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