Friday, January 02, 2009

Hope Abounds

"I will speak of your statutes before kings and will not be put to shame..." Psalm 119:46

As this new year begins, there are all sorts of uncertainties all around. Conflict in the middle-east is heating up, the financial state of the country is in total upheaval and the government is in the midst of significant transition. Many are concerned about the stability of their employment and those who are seeking jobs are finding that new jobs are hard to find. Like the story of "Chicken Little" everyone is is saying the sky is falling.

In the face of such uncertainty, where does one turn? Scripture is clear - those who trust the Lord will not be put to shame. At a time when so many are looking for answers, those who place their trust whole-heartedly in the Lord God can demonstrate the reality of His existence to an unbelieving world.

As one of the pastors at my church, the Vineyard Church of Conroe, Brian "the Distinguished Friar" Fox, has said "what better opportunity to demonstrate hope than when the world is crying out "the sky is falling" by living a life of thanksgiving to and trust in the living God.

It is my sincere hope, wish and prayer while surrounded by those who may be crying out that the "sky is falling" you will witness the goodness of God's provision and the reality of His grace in 2009.

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