Friday, June 30, 2006

An Update of Sorts...

Today marks 3 weeks of being medicated. After my first week of being on Citalopram I was bumped up from 20 mg to 40 mg. Honestly, I've not been able to tell a difference physically. There have been no real side-affects to speak of. No problems that I can tell. I guess it's all good. I've not had any depressive episodes to speak of so the meds must be doing the trick.

I also received a prescription for a sleep aid, Ambien, since during the initial interview I mentioned having trouble sleeping. After of almost a week, I'm beginning to wonder if my sleeping habits have had an effect on my mental health in the past. I've been enjoying getting up during the week and feeling really refreshed. That's usually reserved for Saturdays and the occasional Sunday. I don't quite know what to do with myself now. I should have checked into this a long time ago!

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