Monday, November 28, 2005

Plenty To Be Thankful For

A few weeks ago, I wrote here how excited I was about the new direction I was taking in my career. That new direction came to an abrupt end last week. I wasn't given an explanation. I was just told things aren't working out. So, at the age of 37, I get to start all over again - from scratch. Pretty cool, huh? It doesn't help that I have to look for permanent work just as the holidays are getting started. Job counselors have all said the same things "it would have been nice if you were let go after the holidays. This isn't a good time to be looking for a job." Just what I needed to hear.

But before I go too far and make it sound like I may be bitter about what has happened, I pause to say I'm a very thankful man. A wise man once told me "real problems are the kind that money can't solve." Considering the kind of year we've experienced as a family, we've got plenty of financial problems. But, we've been blessed that we haven't been visited by any real problems. Jobs, money, houses, etc., come and go. People are what matter, or so I'm finding out. Thankfully, my entire immediate family is healthy. My father-in-law had a scare recently, but it appears his condition was discovered in time and can be treated.

Thanksgiving has become my favorite holiday. You don't have to exchange gifts. You really don't have to spend a lot of money - unless you plan to eat a lot. All you have to do is get together with people you love and celebrate each other. I like that. No expectations - unless you plan to eat a lot. Our family usually plans on eating a lot. We also pause to tell each other what we're thankful for. I've had time over the weekend to reflect on what I'm thankful for. Here's just a few things...

I'm thankful for my family. My wife is an incredible encouragement to me. She is the master of giving me more of what I need instead of what I want. If I'm feeling bad about how things are going and would like sympathy, she doesn't give it to me. Instead, I get that swift kick (it's not too hard, though) in the pants that lands me back on my feet. I'd be a mess without her.

I've learned so much from my children. I know it's supposed to be the other way around. Some of my most enjoyable entertainment of my life is to watch them when they don't think I'm looking.

God has given me incredible parents. I enjoy asking my dad for advice. He often says "I don't think I can offer any advice for that." I still ask anyway. I figure I can learn something from someone who survived the Battle of Bastogne. I think I get my grit from my mother. She doesn't know the meaning of the word "quit." Maybe it's because she's German. Dad is Scotch/Irish descent. No wonder I'm stubborn. (Which is why I often need the aforementioned kick.)

I'm thankful for my in-laws (they'll likely see this blog, so I'd better mention them). I've heard horror stories about people and their interaction with their in-laws. I don't have nearly that many. Just kidding! My in-laws (which includes both my brother-in-law and sister-in-law as well) have always been supportive of both me and my family. It means so much.

I'm also thankful for friends. My family has been blessed to be part of the Vineyard Church of Conroe for the past 5 years. We've known many of the same people for much longer. They've been there for us through some of the most challenging events of our lives - and they continue being there for us, even now. Proverbs says it best - "better to have a friend close by than a brother far away." I'm glad I have a lot of friends close by. Some of them are just down the street.

I could continue, but it would make for some pretty boring reading - for anyone that actually reads my blog (according to my page count, somebody must be reading something).

I close by asking this question: what are you thankful for? You might say "not much." Really? Try writing a few things down. Before long, you'll have quite a list - if you're honest.

I know I don't have much in the way of money. Hopefully, something will come along to change my job prospects. Still, I have what counts, which means I've got plenty to be thankful for.


chase said...

You know, there are so many of us that could have written that exact same post, at least the first part of it anyway. So many of us run into the same problem everyday, not enough money, lost job at the wrong time, not able to get the job we wanted at the time we wanted. But, how many of us could have turned that post into a post about why we like Thanksgiving as our favorite holiday? Something we all NEED to think about. I mean, how silly are we all, the bible tells us that hey, things are going to be hard, and God says, if you believe in me it will be harder. And yet we all have things that are hard to go through and think, I can't beileve this or that just happened to me. To be blunt, "how stupid are we?" we sign up for something that is promised to be hard and are suprised when things get difficult. Anyway, it's nice to see someone give thanks where thanks is due. Thank you for doing that for all of us!!! Life is not ever going to be "Just what we think it should be". The key is when we can find joy in Him in what it is. (yeah, read that again, it makes since)
Thanks for the inspriring post, and yes, more people are reading than you may think!!!

Unknown said...

We all have something to be thankful for - even when everything is going wrong, I guess. Thanks for reading...

blanco said...


what a great post. i'm learning more and more about you all the time. i mean, i knew you could eat. but i echo chase. you made a great attitude out of a lousy situation and realized the larger picture. thanksgiving means something. thanks for remembering its meaning.

Unknown said...

Thanks. This blog has become very therapeutic(sp?).

Since all this came down, I've been in an emotional quandry. One minute, I'm doing great. The next, I'm depressed, losing my mind. I have to work at keeping a good attitude. But, it helps to remember that somebody somewhere probably has it worse.

That's when I can see that I really do have a lot to be thankful for.
