Thursday, April 24, 2008

Walkin' to Emmaus...

I just returned from what I hope is a keystone in the course of my life.

Last weekend I participated in a Walk to Emmaus, a spiritual retreat sponsored by the Methodist church. I had heard the stories - though very few. More accurately, I had several people encouraging me to go on the retreat, telling me how beneficial it would be. I left a week ago today and returned last Sunday. It was truly one of the most remarkable experiences in my life.

At the risk of sounding like a poster-child or a free advertisement for the Emmaus Community, I will say it was the most impressive, powerful, structured, efficient and effective events I have ever been associated with - in church or out. I can't go into great detail because someone might stumble across this blog and have the "cat let out of the bag" for them. I will suffice it to say that I owe a great deal of thanks to the volunteers and sponsors of this event. I wish I had gone on a Walk much sooner. I know for sure that I will be a better and more effective husband, father, son, brother and friend than ever before.

De Colores!

(To find out what De Colores stands for, I encourage you to search out a local Emmaus Community and take a Walk yourself)